February 14, 2025

Two Oceans explains cut-off controversy

On Saturday, 13 April 2024, during the running of the 53rd Two Oceans Ultra Marathon, there was a situation at the 42km cut-off that caused some turmoil.

Upon investigation, Two Oceans Marathon wishes to clarify the course of events by elucidating the details as they transpired.

The cut-off time of 10:46 was listed in the final communication to all runners through the official digimag, which has the latest information regarding race details. This is sent to all participants directly via SMS days before the race. This format of communication is widely used across the world on all big sporting events, as details sometimes change at the 11th hour. This information is regarded as full and final.

The cut-off time of 10.46 is also stated on the Two Oceans Marathon website; however, we are aware that in one area of the website, the time had not been updated, and stated a time of 10.50. This was an unfortunate oversight, for which Two Oceans Marathon apologises.

On the morning of the race, the Joint Operations Centre (JOC)* instructed the 10.46 cut-off. This cut-off time is determined by the time that the last batch starts. While the marshalls on the 42km mark rightfully implemented the cut-off, runners started demanding to be let through, citing the 10.50 cut-off time.

Unfortunately, the technical official on-site at the time did not enforce the instruction from the JOC and allowed some of these runners to pass, whilst other runners proceeded to jump the fence and continued running. The official who allowed the runners to pass had no authority to do so and acted outside his mandate of authority. The runners who were allowed through and jumped the fence were then stopped at the 46km mark, on the authority and instruction of the JOC.

The 42km cut-off at 10.46 was the correct procedure on all accounts and should have been enforced.

Two Oceans Marathon wishes to apologise for any frustration and confusion caused by this incident.

*A venue where all officials with the highest authority (City of Cape Town, SAPS, etc.) over the race operations, command from. All race components are monitored from this location.

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